Overall sealing of pet food packaging bags

At present, the common pet food packaging bags on the market are plastic flexible packaging, composite plastic packaging, paper-plastic packaging, aluminum-plastic packaging and tinplate packaging cans. Regardless of the packaging form, packaging integrity is the primary requirement for packaging quality. If there are small cracks or holes in the packaging, oxygen and water vapor in the air will enter the packaging through these gaps, and pet food will undoubtedly be prone to mold and deterioration. Generally speaking, the integrity of the packaging is easy to appear in the heat sealing part of the packaging bag, the lid of the packaging can and other material docking parts.


food packaging bags

Overall sealing of pet food packaging bags

If the packaging is incomplete, there is no doubt that under the action of oxygen and moisture in the air, the pet food will easily become moldy and deteriorate, and the nutrients will also be lost.

food packaging bags

Peel strength and heat seal strength of pet food packaging bags

At present, the common pet food packaging bags on the market are plastic flexible packaging, composite plastic packaging, paper-plastic packaging, aluminum plastic packaging and tinplate packaging cans. The most commonly used are zipper independent composite plastic flexible packaging and aluminum plastic packaging. The use of composite structures can effectively improve the overall force capacity and barrier performance of packaging.

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