Functions and requirements of plastic packaging bags

Plastic packaging bags are inseparable from our daily lives, so do consumers understand the functions of plastic bags? What kind of plastic bags are safe and reliable? Today I will share with you the functions and requirements of plastic packaging bags. The quality of plastic bags is not only related to the health of food, but also affects the taste of food, so plastic bag manufacturers remind us to choose strictly.


plastic packaging bags

Plastic bags must be able to withstand both low and high temperatures in order to be suitable for freezing or cooking food. It should also have strong toughness and resistance to damage to avoid exposing food and causing food spoilage. It also has a strong blocking ability to prevent the entry of dust, moisture and air, and should have a strong sunshade ability to avoid food deterioration caused by external factors. In this way, we should pay attention to the selection of plastic bags so as not to affect normal use.

plastic packaging bags

In fact, plastic packaging bags are also one of the necessary items for packaging various commodities. It can raise product packaging to a higher level. Also very common in usual packaging.

plastic packaging bags

What is the principle of keeping plastic packaging bags fresh?

We selected this material from a plastic packaging bag manufacturer. It can be used as a vegetable fresh-keeping bag because it has a good fresh keeping effect. So what is its fresh-keeping principle?

plastic packaging bags

The plastic packaging bag has a biological breathability function, which can adjust the proportion of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen in the bag, balance the gas in the bag, prevent gas corrosion, inhibit the respiration of fruits and vegetables after harvest, reduce transpiration, maintain moisture and nutrients, and has many functions Corrosion-inhibiting effect in planting and breeding, preventing fruits and vegetables. And it also has an anti-fog function, which can prevent water vapor from condensing in the bag and prevent fruits and vegetables from coming into contact with the bag wall, thereby preventing rot.

plastic packaging bags

Generally speaking, plastic packaging bags integrate multiple functions such as regulating gas, maintaining moisture and taste, preventing water mist condensation, and inhibiting decay, thus having a long-lasting preservation effect.

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