Do ordinary food packaging bag have a sealing function?

The popularity of food packaging is basically due to the acceleration of people’s life rhythm. Food is convenient to package, easy to store, has a long shelf life, and can quickly replenish people’s physical strength and calories. Most food packaging bags are made of plastic. Due to the stable chemical properties of plastic materials, they are commonly used materials for food packaging.


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Vacuum food packaging bags

The main cause of food spoilage is its contact with microorganisms in the air, and food needs to pass through a period of time from leaving the factory to reaching the consumer. To prevent food from deteriorating during consumption, manufacturers need to separate food from air. Vacuum packaging bags extract and seal all the air in the packaging container to maintain a high degree of pressure reduction capability, and the scarcity of air is equivalent to the impact of hypoxia.

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In order to achieve the purpose of fresh fruit, microorganisms have no living conditions, no disease and rot. Vacuum packaging is the type of packaging used for most food products on the market. Inflatable packaging: The above-mentioned vacuum packaging is not suitable for puffed foods, such as French fries, potato chips and other fragile puffed foods, most of which are packaged in an inflatable manner.

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Inflatable packaging is to put nitrogen and carbon dioxide into the bag and add it after vacuuming. Carbon dioxide is soluble in various fats or water, resulting in acidic weak carbonic acid, which has the activity of inhibiting microorganisms such as mold and corrosive bacteria. Nitrogen is an inert gas that makes the bag Maintain positive pressure inside to prevent air outside the bag from entering the bag, which plays a protective role in the food and prevents puffed food from being damaged during transportation.

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