pet food packaging bags

How to make pet food packaging bags?

In order to ensure product quality, many customers who customize pet food packaging bags will choose proofing to confirm whether the early printing effect and size are suitable. But there will be some losses and costs, which are often borne by the customer. In fact, this cost can be avoided. According to the purpose, the proofing of pet food packaging bags can be divided into two types: one is to look at the effect, and the other is to look at the printing quality. ★ See the actual effect; In the packaging of new products, it is sometimes difficult for

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pet eight sided sealing packaging bag

What is a pet eight sided sealing packaging bag? What are its advantages?

Pet eight sided sealed packaging bag is a kind of composite bag. This is a packaging bag named after its shape. Eight sided sealing bags, as the name suggests, have eight-sided sealing edges. There are four sealing edges on the bottom and two edges on each side. This pet eight sided sealing packaging bag type is a new type of bag that has emerged in the past two years. GO TO LINKEDIN The bottom of the pet eight sided sealing packaging bag is completely different from the traditional stand up bag, self supporting bag or stand up bag. The difference

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Dog food packaging bags

Dog food packaging bags apply technical means to improve safety performance

The health and safety of dog food packaging bags can be improved through the following technical means. First, use high-purity plastic packaging raw materials such as high-purity resin, and prohibit the use of recycled materials and waste plastics as raw materials. GO TO INSTAGRAM Second, on the premise of ensuring that dog food packaging bags are non-toxic, hygienic and environmentally friendly, research and develop non-toxic and hygienic processing additives, continuously improve plastic mixing technology, and improve the performance of plastic food packaging materials. Third, supercritical technology is used to reduce toxic and harmful substances produced by raw materials and processing

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packaging bags

What problems can cause packaging bags to swell?

The commodity standards required for vacuum food packaging bags are significantly higher than those for ordinary industrial commodities. Vacuum food packaging bags are a common packaging method in plastic flexible packaging. Compared with ordinary plastic packaging bags, the advantages in packaging performance, environmental protection performance, beauty and other aspects are obvious. For vacuum packaging bags, the worrying problem is that after being placed for a period of time, the vacuum packaging bags will expand and lose the meaning of food packaging bags. GO TO FACEBOOK The packaging bag material is unqualified: nylon and polyester can be used as raw materials

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food packaging bag

What should I do if the food packaging bag has an odor?

When we make food packaging bags, there will inevitably be inventory, but some food bags will have some special smells. This packaged food is unsafe. What should I do if the food packaging pouch has an odor? For the reference of most users: Food packaging pouches have a special smell, which mainly comes from ink solvents or composite glue and composite peptizers, and partly comes from the threat of composite packaging; therefore, attention should be paid to: How to deal with the odor of food packaging bag. The planning of food packaging pouch printing images should minimize colors and monochromatic

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self standing zipper packaging bag

How to use self standing zipper packaging bag?

★ The self standing zipper packaging bag is reusable. Once an ordinary plastic packaging bag is opened, it cannot be sealed, and the items in the packaging bag will lose their sealing properties. Self standing zipper packaging bags with zipper bags solve this problem. Consumers can easily reseal the product, making it easier for consumers to preserve the product. For some items that need to be kept sealed at all times, using zipper bags is almost a necessity. For example, dried fungus, dried mushrooms, dried peppers and other agricultural products will break once they get wet. There are also nut

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Food Packaging Bags

What practical requirements should food packaging bags meet?

Food packaging bags are very important in everyone’s life. The quality of food packaging bags can directly affect people’s health. Therefore, food packaging bags manufacturers recommend that food packaging bags must meet certain practical requirements in order to be more widely used. GO TO LINKEDIN What practical requirements should food packaging bags meet? ★ Increase the variety of convenience foods More convenient food, with local taste, can only be circulated after packaging. Let famous and high-quality foods from various places communicate and increase the variety of people’s daily foods. There are also fresh foods, such as quick frozen dumplings. Through

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Food Packaging Bag

What are the differences between eight side seal food packaging bag and traditional packaging bags?

The appearance of food packaging bags in daily life solves the problem of food preservation and storage in people’s daily life. Obviously, traditional food packaging bags can no longer meet people’s needs, so eight-sided packaging bags came into being. Food packaging bag manufacturers share what improvements eight sided sealed food packaging bags have over traditional food packaging bags? ★ Promote food competition and promote food sales ★ Preserve food and extend food shelf life During the entire circulation process, food should be transferred, loaded, unloaded, transported and stored easily to cause damage to the appearance quality of the food. After

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food packaging bags

Overall sealing of pet food packaging bags

At present, the common pet food packaging bags on the market are plastic flexible packaging, composite plastic packaging, paper-plastic packaging, aluminum-plastic packaging and tinplate packaging cans. Regardless of the packaging form, packaging integrity is the primary requirement for packaging quality. If there are small cracks or holes in the packaging, oxygen and water vapor in the air will enter the packaging through these gaps, and pet food will undoubtedly be prone to mold and deterioration. Generally speaking, the integrity of the packaging is easy to appear in the heat sealing part of the packaging bag, the lid of the packaging

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eight sided packaging bags

What is the appeal of eight sided packaging bags?

Nowadays, with the further development of the market economy, the public is increasingly moving from practicality to ornamental products when purchasing them. Therefore, in order to attract consumers’ attention, merchants have made various efforts on packaging. As far as packaging bags are concerned, eight sided packaging bags are becoming more and more popular among the public. GO TO FACEBOOK What are the advantages of eight sided packaging bags? First of all, let’s analyze the name of the eight sided packaging bag. The eight sided packaging has eight edges, four at the bottom and two on the left and right. The

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