Benefits of using recycled paper for us

Let’s first understand the production process of our recycled paper. The production of recycled paper is divided into 6 steps, which are divided into: 1: Waste paper cutting and soaking, 2: Stirring, 3: Coloring with pigments, 4: Filtration, 5: Mold, 6 : to dry. GO TO FACEBOOK

Step 1: Soak the waste paper in pieces

First of all, we found waste paper, cut it into pieces and soaked it in water. We found napkins, rough paper, newspapers, and draft paper. The paper is folded into many folds to cut, but sometimes the fold is too thick, and the cutting can be cut continuously for a long time, which seems to be inefficient. Later, he simply tore it by hand, saying that it is faster and less troublesome. It has been proved that napkins are the easiest to dissolve, followed by rough paper, and the most difficult to dissolve is draft paper, which is A4 paper bought in supermarkets.

Step 2: Stir

The waste paper turned into pieces of paper in the water. We couldn’t wait to stir it. I heard that I was very excited and gave everyone a chopstick. How happy it is. This is a difficult game of playing with water and paste. There is no chance to play tricks. I kept telling him to keep his chopsticks steady and not to throw the pulp on me. The three chopsticks were pulling and pulling like a war, but the paper was still big and big, and we didn’t have the patience to wait for it to soak for a day, so we let the soybean milk machine play and stir it.

recycled paper

Step 3: Add paint to color

Homework requires one’s own method and creativity, and the easiest thing to think of is colored paper. I want to make it pink, but I heard that it needs to be made in black, and it should look like a black pistol. If you are different, separate Do it, so I divided the paper into two, and each made its own.

Fortunately, I still have the watercolor paint left over from the past at home. I added a little pink, but the color was not obvious, so I had to add a lot of yellow. Haha, yellow is also beautiful . Tingting’s black coloring is very obvious. Put a little paint on the whole pot of paper and it will turn black. It also made him understand that black is easy to color. Go to products page

Step 4: Filter

Next, I found a piece of gauze to filter the paper paste. At this time, I found a problem. The color was in the filtered water. The paper paste was still gray in color, and the paper paste we made was also very rough. It seems that there should be more Stir several times. Leaves are also one of the materials for making paper, but we use leaves for decoration to save trouble.

Step 5: Mold

I made molds separately, found a piece of cloth, put the cloth on the bottom first, then placed the mold, poured the paper paste into the mold, made windows and doors with leaves, and added pigments to the pulp at this time.

Step Six: Dry

The next step is to put it on the balcony to dry, blow it with a hair dryer for a while, and it’s done.

We need to use paper every day in this world. There are so many people in the world that the amount of paper used cannot be estimated. Therefore, it can be reused by making new paper from waste paper, reaching Never go to waste. Presumably everyone knows from this that recycled paper is a kind of high-efficiency paper with low energy consumption and will never pollute the environment. The promotion of recycled paper can not only protect the environment, but also achieve the effect of saving resources. I hope everyone can choose recycled paper.

Promotion significance of environmentally friendly recycled paper.

Tag: recycled paper,Environmental friendly paper ,kraft paper,