Key points of wine packaging design and packaging box production method

Liquor production enterprises should pay attention to the following points on product packaging and outer packaging

✦ Packaging box all content on the label complies with the relevant standards. The content of the label should use standardized Chinese characters (excluding registered trademarks) and can use Chinese pinyin at the same time. For product labels mainly sold in ethnic areas, minority languages can be used, but the corresponding Chinese characters should not be larger.

✦ Packaging box name of the wine: It must indicate the true attributes of the wine, and common or common names that cannot be misunderstood or confused by consumers can be used. Such as “Wuliangye”, it should be marked as Wuliangye plus “wine”.

✦ Ingredient list: The label of beverage wine must have an ingredient list, and the title of the ingredient list can be marked with “raw materials” or “raw materials and ingredients”; such as “Wuliangye wine”: raw materials, water, sorghum, rice, glutinous rice, wheat, corn; Arranged in descending order according to the amount of ingredients added; ingredient wine must be marked with the wine base used, steamed (or soaked) edible animals, plants and Chinese herbal medicines allowed by the country.

✦ Specific names or category names can be indicated for wine sweeteners and other food additives in accordance with the provisions of GB2760 (when two or more sweeteners are added, the category name should be indicated, and then the added brackets should be added Sweetener name or code specified in GB/T12493).

✦ Alcohol level: All drinking alcohol must be marked with alcohol level, that is, ethanol content, and the word “alcohol level” should be added as the title, and the labeling method is % (v/v).

✦ Net content: The labeling method for the net content of beverage alcohol should be expressed by volume. When the volume is less than 1000ml, ml (milliliter) shall be used as the unit of measurement, and when the volume is greater than 1000ml, L (liter) shall be used as the unit of measurement.

✦ When the maximum surface area of the package or packaging container is greater than 20cm2, the height of characters, symbols and numbers shall not be less than 1.8mm.

For liquor prepackaging, when the net content is less than 50ml, the minimum height of the characters representing the net content is 2mm; when the net content is greater than 50ml but less than 200ml, the minimum height of the characters representing the net content is 3mm; , the minimum height of the characters indicating the net content is 4mm, and when it is greater than 1L, the height of the characters indicating the net content is not less than 6mm, while the height of other characters, symbols and numbers indicating the net content is greater than 1.8mm.

✦ The product standard number, quality (quality) grade, flavor, and brackets should be marked on the pre-package of liquor products, such as: GB10718.1 (Class I) The production date must be marked on the label, such as: 2004.1.1 or 2004 January 1, must be clear and persistent.

For colorless wine packaged in a colorless transparent bottle, the production date can be marked on the back of the label, and the date mark cannot be additionally pasted, subsidized, or tampered with. Liquor, as a product with a production license, must be marked with the production license number.

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packaging box

The production method of wine packaging box

Packaging box materials: cardboard, cardboard, corrugated paper, etc. Paper boxes have an absolute advantage in paper containers. According to the different grades of alcohol, the selection of materials is also different:

✦ Low-grade wine packaging box

a. Use more than 350 grams of white cardboard to print the film (plastic film) and die-cut it.

b. For the more high-end ones, use 300 grams of white cardboard to laminate into paper cards, then print, laminate, and die-cut.

✦ Mid-range wine packaging box

For the printing surface, about 250g-300g of aluminum foil cardboard (commonly known as gold card, silver card, copper card, etc.) and about 300g of white board paper are used to laminate into cardboard, and then printed and laminated and then die-cut into shape.

✦ Mid-range wine packaging box

Cardboard with a thickness of 3mm-6mm is mostly used to manually mount the outer decorative surface, and then bonded and formed.

In particular, it should be pointed out that among the paper containers of domestic wine boxes, corrugated paper boxes, E-shaped corrugated paper boxes, and micro-corrugated paperboards are rarely used, which forms a strong contrast with the international ones. I personally think that the promotion and publicity are not strong enough, and it is restricted by various reasons such as traditional habits and the production conditions of domestic processing manufacturers.

In addition, other packaging forms such as wooden material packaging and metal packaging have also appeared in wine box packaging, but paper materials and paper wine boxes are still the mainstream and development direction, and will be further expanded.

Because the carton is light, has excellent processing and printing performance, is convenient to handle, and does not pollute the environment, especially now that there are various designs and colors of paper and cardboard, everything that one expects to find can fully meet the designer’s requirements. In our country, it is particularly important to emphasize that not only the outer shell of the wine box is made of paper material, but also the inner structure buffer material should also promote the use of paper structure.

E-type corrugated cardboard, micro-corrugated cardboard, and pulp molded paper should be vigorously promoted in wine box packaging. Micro-corrugated cardboard, beautiful appearance, good cushioning performance, suitable for printing production. When designing, the packaging shell and inner parts can be made of the same material, and many of them can be formed in one version, which saves cost and space.


packaging box caso packing 21

Wine bottle container

Common packaging materials in daily life include ceramics, enamel, metal containers and wrapping paper. There are many lead salts in ceramics. If acidic foods such as fruit juice, white wine, and vinegar are used in pottery, excessive lead may dissolve and cause lead poisoning. In addition, there is the problem of color material falling off, and enamel also needs to solve the problem of heavy metals in color material.

Liquor containers are said to be “three suitable” and “two unsuitable”. The so-called “three suitable” utensils refer to: 1. Glass containers; 2. Ceramic containers; 3. Blood containers. “Two unsuitable” appliances refer to: 1. Plastic containers; 2. Pop-top cans.

The blood container is a traditional Chinese wine storage container. The wine sea, wine jar, wine crate, etc. are made of Vitex or bamboo strips, pasted with multi-layer mulberry paper and painted with blood; there are also wine boxes made of wood. Or paste multiple layers of mulberry paper and paint blood in the cement pool as a wine storage container.

The advantage of the blood material container is: “blood material” is a kind of plastic colloidal protein salt made of animal blood (mostly pig blood) and lime, which forms a semi-permeable film with alcohol. The characteristic of this film is water It can penetrate, but alcohol can’t penetrate, and it has a good anti-seepage effect on liquor with an alcohol content of more than 30 degrees. Wine storage will play a good role in maintaining the quality of wine. Moreover, it is convenient to obtain materials locally, the cost is low, and it is not easy to be damaged.

packaging box

Design points of wine packaging box

✦ The decoration design of the wine packaging box must be consistent with the quality and price of the wine to achieve synchronization. Any excessive packaging that does not match the name, false packaging, deceptive packaging and lack of packaging will bring huge losses to the production enterprise.

✦ The packaging design of wine boxes must consider the interests of most people, and pay attention to affordability and practicality in terms of materials, materials, and production techniques.

✦ The design style of the wine packaging box has national and regional characteristics, and uniqueness will have a distinct personality.

✦ Wine design should consider perfect shelf display, strong artistic appeal, novelty, cohesion and competitiveness among similar products in market exhibitions.

Tag: Packaging box, Paper boxes,Gift Box, Household Products Box,Cosmetics Packaging Box